Using a secure server (https://) when collecting personal information from users is good practice for their safety and yours. Google AdWords requires that you use a secure server on the parts of your site where you collect personal information from users that found you through Google. This requires some strategic design, however, as the use of secure server sites can make search engines ignore you and stem the growth of your organic traffic. Consider linking from your ad directly to a secure page that is NOT your home page to make sure that you are pursuing a design that supports both your Pay-Per-Click campaign goals and your search engine ranking goals.
What are web metrics and why do they matter to me?
How can I help users find information even more quickly?
What are basic ways I can ensure I am not wasting my marketing money?
How do I avoid online marketing scams?
How can I promote my web site while keeping in touch with existing customers?
What is a good way to build a targeted contact list for direct marketing?
What is a good way to acquire a lot of vetted prospects for direct marketing?
Are text ads effective marketing tools, or too old-fashioned?
How can I collaborate with other online businesses to support my viral marketing efforts?
What are good forums in which to promote my site?
How can I make my e-mails stand out from the junk?
Are there specific rules for writing Pay Per Click ads?
What claims should I make or avoid in my Pay Per Click ads?
Will slogans enhance or detract from my Pay Per Click ad?
How should I call attention to my Pay Per Click ad?
Do I need to include legal symbols in my limited ad text?
What obligation do I have to identify my relationships with partners and affiliates?
To what extent can I make claims in my ad?
How can I craft a link that reinforces my value proposition?
Do I need to link my ad to a URL, or can I direct users to an e-mail address or file?
Should I place ads if my site is under construction?
Does GoogleAds allow me to direct users to a page with pop-up windows?
Am I required to let users go back to the GoogleAds results page?
What can I do to build my word-of-mouth advertising?
How can I leverage my customers' experience to enhance my credibility?
Can I use PPC to test my new site?
How do I increase my chances of maximizing my marketing ROI?
How do I tell which of my marketing efforts is really paying off?
Should my online and offline marketing efforts overlap?
What insight can I get into customers' needs?
Is quantity or quality more important when I am building links?
How should I choose my link partners?
Should my link include keywords?
Are link farms a smart way to build lots of links?
How can I build my online network?
How do I determine whether I should focus on getting visitors or visibility in my Overture ads?
If I need to both acquire visitors and brand my site in Overture ads, how do I fit it all in?
What does Enhance Interactive offer?
What does Google AdWords offer?
How can I use my URL to track different promotions and understand my ROI?
Which strategy works better for short term traffic generation goals? Long term?
Can I use landing pages to do more sell the product I advertised?
What are some important metrics to focus on in my pay per click analysis?
How can I leverage my web presence to increase my bottom line?
Why is my pay per click campaign not working?
Are keywords important to my pay-per-click strategy?
What goals should I set for my site to accurately gauge the success of my PPC campaign?
What other PPC opportunities exist?
What levels of keywords exist, and how can I use them?
Is PPC advertising very expensive?
How flexible are PPC advertising campaigns?
What should I bid for keywords?
How can I leverage the information I collected in my initial PPC campaign?
How can I target my PPC ad keywords to get more qualified visitors?
Will changing an ad affect my ability to monitor my campaign?
How should I design my GoogleAds based on the quality of my keywords?
Will I aid or sabotage my PPC campaign by searching for and clicking on my own ads?
How do I delete a keyword from an ad campaign if I need to?
How do I evolve my PPC campaign?
To which page should I direct users who are responding to an ad?
Are PPC and SEO complementary?
What can I do to keep the industry informed about what my company is doing?
How can my company put its best foot forward?
What is the difference between a directory and a search engine?
How can I use my special knowledge to drive traffic to my site?
How can I identify the reason visitors are not converting?
How can I understand and anticipate what customers are looking for?
How do I know what kind of OS my audience uses so that I can design for their needs?
How can I gauge the performance of individual Internet marketing campaigns?
How can I better understand what users are looking for on my site?
How can I better understand whether my site is meeting visitors' needs?
How does Link Popularity figure in my web site's ranking?
How can I help target my site and ads to users in a specific location?
Where should I place the most important keywords within the meta description tag?
Should I repeat keywords that are in my tags in the page's body text?
Does font size affect how a search engine indexes my web site?
What are some underutilized features of a web page that I could use to enhance my site's ranking?
Is it a good idea to include keywords in my hyperlinks and URLs?
How can secure servers affect indexing by search engines?
Can dynamically created pages affect how search engines index my web site?
Should I include as many keywords as possible in my meta tags?
What is a good way to solicit links from other sites?
How can I create content that is keyword-rich and also useful to a visitor?
Should I post my site under several different site names with the same content?
How do I maintain my search engine optimization?
How often should I submit my web site to search engines for indexing?
How long should I allow for a search engine to index my site?
How can I determine the best way to differentiate my site from my competitors'?
Do I need to pay to submit my web site to a search engine?
What should I do if I do not have the in-house resources to optimize my site?
How closely related should the web design and optimization processes be?
How do I keep my web site optimized?
I need info on getting my page listed higher in search results.
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